Meditate outside - here a woman is sitting outside meditating.

How to Meditate Outside and De-Stress

We all know that feeling. You step outside on a spring day, take a deep breath, and enjoy that burst of calming and refreshing energy. Being outdoors and immersing yourself in nature is good for your mind and body. From feeling that spring air on your skin to relaxing your mind and focusing on nature’s many sounds, spending time outdoors can help you feel your best.

Today, we’re sharing how you can get outside and use meditation to destress. From finding the best spot to exploring ways to meditate, this article will give you the tips you need to relax and take in all nature has to offer.

Pick the Perfect Spot

Finding the perfect place to meditate outside is the first step in creating a wonderful meditation experience. Try to find somewhere peaceful that you are already familiar with and where you feel comfortable. 

It’s okay for there to be noises and even other people near your outdoor meditation spot. Your goal should be to hear the noises but not let them distract you. 

The place you choose to meditate doesn’t have to be somewhere you stay still, either. You can meditate while you stand, walk, or lie down, so consider going somewhere you can move about, too.

Plan to Be Comfortable

When you’re planning to meditate outside, consider the season, the time of day you’ll be outdoors, and the weather. To have the best and most productive meditating experience, you’ll want to make sure you’re prepared with the right gear and expectations.

  • Wear clothes that are appropriate for the conditions. 
  • Dress so that you warm enough and so that you can move comfortably.
  • Pack things like sunscreen and bug spray if needed.
  • Be aware of any special events near your chosen spot that might produce a lot of noise. 

A woman sits outside meditating in a seated position.

Ways to Meditate Outside

Traditional Meditation

To experience traditional meditation, seat yourself in a comfortable position and guide your thoughts inward. As you breathe in and out, focus on your breathing and try to keep your mind from distraction or wandering. If noises or thoughts steal your attention, work to refocus on your breathing and clear your mind.

Walking Meditation

If you prefer to move while you meditate, walking meditation might be just the thing for you. With walking meditation, you take a series of steps on your chosen path, then pause and breathe for whatever time you need. Then, walk back to where you began. The goal is to focus your thoughts on your body’s movements and take your time with the experience.

Sound Bouncing

With sound bouncing, your meditation focuses on the sounds that surround you – after all, nature sounds can actually help relieve stress! Breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth, close your eyes and listen to your environment. Tune into specific sounds, identify what they are, then move on to the next.

Ready to start meditating? We have an exciting new monthly meditation experience coming your way! Beginning Sunday, June 6, we will host a 30-minute guided meditation with renowned global meditation leader Mark Dominick one Sunday every month. 

The meditation event is from 7 a.m. – 7:30 a.m. and is free and/or donation-based and open to the public – You do not have to be a VIBE member. Just bring your yoga mat/blanket/props you prefer, comfortable clothes, and an open mind and heart. We hope you’ll join us!