5 Ways Women Can Achieve a Healthier Work-Life Balance from VIBE Yoga, Health and Fitness

5 Ways Women Can Achieve a Healthier Work-Life Balance

Women tend to wear a lot of hats. With endless responsibilities at work and home, it can seem like to-do lists are endless. It’s challenging to feel as if everything on your plate is getting the attention it needs or that you’re managing all areas of your life equally. Ultimately, mental and physical health is where many women feel the strain.

While a perfect work-life balance might sound impossible, there are ways you can achieve healthy harmony between these two important areas of your life. Today, we’re sharing five ways women can achieve a healthier work-life balance.

1. Accept That There’s No Perfect Work-Life Balance

The first and most important step to developing a healthy work-life balance is to accept that an even 50/50 balance of your professional and home lives is probably never going to happen – really! 

There are ebbs and flows in our daily lives, seasons that are busier than others, and events that call for us to put some things on pause while we focus on others. Striving to create a wholly balanced mix of your work and personal lives will likely leave you feeling overwhelmed and unsatisfied.

Be kind to yourself, and accept that there will be times work takes precedence or when your personal life takes up more of your time and energy. Sometimes your balance might look more like 40/70 or 80/20, and that’s OK. Allow for those periods, recognize your immediate needs, and know that your life and priorities are ever-changing.

2. Prioritize Your Health

Your mental and physical health are crucial to your ability to manage competing areas in your life. The burnout that women experience as they try to “do it all” is real. And during stressful times like the COVID-19 pandemic, where many are working, caring for their families, managing virtual learning, and handling many other responsibilities at home, you must make your health a priority.

Setting aside even 30 minutes a few times a week to exercise is key to taking care of both your physical and mental health. VIBE offers a variety of in-person, virtual, and on-demand classes for people at every fitness level. Whether your “you” time is at 5 a.m. in your living room or in the evening at our studio, we have something for you.

Whether you enjoy intense workouts or prefer low-impact movements, there are many benefits to exercise for your mind and body. When you feel good and are taking care of your health, you’re better equipped to take on all that your work and personal lives require of you and create more balance for yourself.

Practicing yoga is a great way to relax and create a better sense of work-life balance.

Practicing yoga is a great way to relax and create a better sense of work-life balance.

3. Set Work-Life Balance Goals

Creating goals is another way women can achieve a healthier work-life balance. Everyone is different and manages different roles and responsibilities at home and work. So, as you set goals for better balance, consider what matters most to you. Your goals might include things like:

  • More self-care
  • Regular exercise
  • Better sleep
  • Increased time with family
  • Stopping work at specific times

The best way to set goals and hold yourself accountable for them is to write them down. Make sure your goals are achievable and that you give them deadlines. You’ll find that creating goals helps you feel less overwhelmed and more organized.

4. Create Boundaries

In a world where many women can access work email and messages 24/7, it’s hard to set the phone down, close the laptop, and sign off. On the flip side, with many of us at home, it’s also challenging to create uninterrupted productivity periods. Creating boundaries between your professional and home lives will help you feel more balanced, focused, and positive. 

Start by creating a schedule for your day, deciding when work stops and home-life starts, and communicating those times to your colleagues and family/friends. Protect the time you set aside to handle different aspects of your life, and do your best to stick to your schedule. While you may need flexibility from time to time, having a structure in place will pave the way for a healthier work-life balance.

5. Take Time to Decompress

When your day is full of tasks, projects, errands, and responsibilities, it can be tough to find downtime. Decompressing, or taking time to release stress, is essential to creating more balance. This window of time, however long or short you can make it, is key to resetting, recharging, and creating a more positive environment for yourself.

Taking time to decompress helps to release stress and clear your mind.

Taking time to decompress helps to release stress and clear your mind.

Yoga is our favorite way to relax, reduce stress, and move your body. It’s an excellent exercise for your mind and body because it gives you a mental break, boosts endorphins, and helps you relax. And whether you can take 15 minutes for your yoga practice or 60, it will leave you feeling energized and balanced.

Whatever your favorite way to decompress is, prioritize relaxing your mind and body by doing something that makes you feel good. Giving yourself a chance to breathe and switch gears will make you feel more prepared to tackle your responsibilities at work and home.

With all that women juggle between their professional and personal lives, working toward a healthier work-life balance is important to feeling good and living your best life. We hope these tips empower you to manage your life mindfully!


Want to de-stress and create balance in your busy life? Sign up for a free 7-day trial and try one of our fitness or yoga classes at VIBE! With virtual, on-demand, and in-person offerings, you can sweat and stretch the stress away and focus on your mental and physical health.