A day in the life of VIBE Yoga instructor Kate Yanke

Day in the Life of a Yoga Instructor – Meet Kate Yanke

At VIBE Yoga, Health & Fitness, our instructors and trainers are at the center of our community. Not only does our team help our members create mentally and physically healthy lives – They’re fantastic people! 

In today’s post, we’re introducing you to one of our yoga instructors, Kate Yanke. Kate leads a yoga centered-life and has been teaching for more than ten years. Here’s a look at a day in the life of a yoga instructor!

Living a Healthy Lifestyle

Kate’s an early riser and is up and at’em between 4:45 a.m. and 5:30 a.m. She starts her day with a nice cup of coffee and a pre-workout meal with protein and carbs. Some days that might be 4 oz of chicken breast with rice or 25 grams of a protein drink with oatmeal. It depends on her mood!

It’s important to Kate that she moves her body every day, so most mornings, she’ll set time aside for lifting weights, spinning, or walking, in addition to her yoga practice. She knows that movement is essential to her mental health, so she makes a point to squeeze it in. 

Kate tries to lead a healthy lifestyle while allowing herself to enjoy the things she likes. She drinks a gallon and a half of water every day (great for your body!) and tries to eat healthy 90% of the time. As for the other 10%, Kate says, “Sugar and fat taste good!” We agree, moderation is key!

VIBE Yoga, Health & Fitness Yoga Instructor Kate Yanke practices in her home.

Practicing gratitude is also important to Kate, and she makes it part of every day. Whether it’s finding gratitude during her practice on her mat, or her family’s dinner table chats about the things they’re thankful for, gratitude is a focus in Kate’s life.

Most nights, you can find Kate curled up with her family enjoying an episode of Schitt’s Creek before calling it a day by 9 p.m.!

Kate’s Personal Yoga Practice

You might be curious about how much yoga happens during a day in the life of a yoga instructor! Kate makes sure to dedicate anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour every day to her yoga practice. Even though Kate is a yoga pro, she’s human, too. There are days she doesn’t feel like practicing! She knows it’s what she needs to do to feel her best, though, and she makes it a priority. 

Kate usually does her daily yoga practice at home, and her favorite spot might surprise you. It’s her walk-in closet, “The Yoga Loft,” where it’s quiet, she can shut the door, and she has an open space to herself. (Take note, parents!) She keeps her yoga mat in there, so it’s ready to go. Kate will do a mantra meditation in her dedicated practice space and enjoy a multi-dimensional, self-led practice.

A Day in the Life of VIBE Yoga Instructor Kate Yanke

Teaching Yoga

Kate’s students at VIBE, whether in her Monday night Vinyasa classes or the workshops and private lessons she leads, benefit from her 12 years of teaching experience. 

Her teaching is informed by Ayurveda, also known as yoga’s sister science. While practicing yoga helps you harmonize your mind, body, and soul, Ayurveda addresses your wellbeing through diet and lifestyle changes. 

Kate was taught by James Bailey, a yoga and Ayurveda master teacher, and learned about exploring concepts related to how the universe impacts our individual balance. She brings her experience to her classes, for example, creating sequences to help balance whatever might be happening in Wisconsin seasonally. 

Kate loves witnessing people show up for themselves in her classes and the growth they experience. She’ll tell you she almost feels guilty calling teaching yoga a “job” because it genuinely fulfills her. Kate keeps things light while she teaches and provides positive reinforcement, is intentional with her language, and works to build her students’ confidence. 

She likes to joke a lot in her classes and says, “Take the practice of yoga seriously, but don’t take yourself seriously.” Per Kate, if you can’t laugh as you work to look inward and find your true self, what fun is it??

Why Kate Loves Being Part of the VIBE Community

Kate enjoys teaching at VIBE because she loves being a member of our welcoming and inclusive community. She’s known Samantha and Carly for a long time and is proud to be part of the woman-owned business they’ve created! According to Kate, it’s impossible to walk into VIBE as a new member without bumping into someone who will tell you just how much they love being there. 

Ready to sign up for a class with Kate? Visit our schedule to register for one of Kate’s Vinyasa Yoga classes on Monday nights. If you’re new to VIBE, your first class is free!