Start Your Daily Gratitude Practice: A Step-by-Step Guide

Start Your Daily Gratitude Practice: A Step-by-Step Guide

This month at VIBE, we’re talking about your heart – from its function in your body to its symbolic role in love and emotions. One meaningful way you can take care of your heart, both physically and emotionally, is to practice gratitude and cultivate a calmer and more positive way of living.

Focusing on gratitude is something anyone can do and is an activity that has countless benefits for your body and mind. In this blog, we’re sharing how to start your daily gratitude practice and begin enjoying a grateful mindset. 

1. Understand Why Gratitude is Important

Gratitude is about more than feeling thankful when good things happen to you. It’s cultivating a mindset of affirmation that there is good in the world and recognizing sources of good beyond ourselves that help us live our best lives. 

From less stress and better moods to a healthier heart and decreased inflammation, practicing gratitude is beneficial for your mental and physical health. 

Starting your daily gratitude practice only requires the right mindset, a willing attitude, and a small amount of your time. 

2. Develop a Grateful Mindset

When life is going well, finding gratitude is often easy. But when you’re experiencing periods of challenge or stress, recognizing the positives can be more difficult. That’s why choosing a grateful mindset and investing your energy in positive thinking is so important. 

Practicing yoga with VIBE is a great way to relax and focus on gratitude.

Practicing yoga is a great way to relax and focus on gratitude.

One way to begin grateful thinking is by practicing yoga. By intentionally moving through each pose and breath, and concentrating on your body’s abilities, you can enjoy the benefits of movement while also developing a more grateful mindset with yoga. VIBE has a variety of yoga classes available in-person, virtually, or on-demand that are a great place to start!

3. Write in a Gratitude Journal

Writing in a gratitude journal is the most popular way to practice gratitude, and for a good reason. It’s been proven to improve your mental health and wellness!

One of the best things about writing in a gratitude journal is that you can choose whatever format you’d like to record your affirmations. Whether you purchase an actual gratitude journal or just jot your thoughts down on a notepad, all that matters is that you are writing them.

4. Commit to Your Gratitude Practice

To create a gratitude practice that truly impacts your mindset and positively changes your life, you have to commit to doing it.

The key is to find what frequency works for you, and stick with it. Put the time on your calendar, block it off on your schedule, or do whatever is necessary to ensure it happens. The best way to see the benefits of cultivating a grateful mindset is to make a point of dedicating your time and energy to it, whatever that looks like for you. 

5. Share Your Gratitude

While creating a routine for practicing gratitude is essential to leading a more grateful life, it’s also important to put your thoughts to practice throughout the day. 

Show your appreciation to the people who bring good things into your life.

Show your appreciation to the people who bring good things into your life.

Practicing gratitude “in the moment” is actively thinking about being grateful for things that happen during your day, as they happen. When you notice something positive, like a sunny sky or that you’re having a good day at work, recognize that good feeling and release your gratitude into the universe.

When it comes to people, saying “thank you” to those who bring you feelings of happiness or positivity is the best way to show your gratitude. Telling them that you value them, and thanking them for the positive impacts they make in your life, is a beautiful way to share gratitude. 


Try these steps to start your daily gratitude practice, and we know that you’ll start feeling more positive and focused in no time. 

Don’t miss our VIBE Open Heart Yoga Flow event on February 13! In this special Vinyasa yoga practice, we’ll focus on the physical and emotional benefits of postures and breathing for an open heart. The class is available both in-person or via live stream. Learn more here